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The Cure live at Troxy London November 1st.

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Free global live stream on The Cure YouTube. More details to follow.

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  • Jesse Green
    February 3, 2025
    My stars are obligatory, first and foremost—I would snatch up a new release by the Cure even if it was universally panned by the music elitists of journalism (what's really your beef with 4:13 Dream, poseurs: did you not even appreciate the Cure in the '80s?), but, hearing this one was getting heralded as one of the best albums of the year made my heart swell with pride for my favourite goth-punk hero's snobby comeback. Indeed, this is Smith at his musical best, testing even Disintegration as the DE FACTO Cure album (and unlike that moody Emo classic, there isn't one gratuitously upbeat single in the bunch) while revamping that glorious lost brand with impossibly youthful vigor. Cheers!
  • Prophet Norton
    February 3, 2025
    Wonderful been waiting for this it seems to me a dogs life has went by thanks Mr.Smith
  • Metzgar
    January 13, 2025
    My husband, Gen x 1970, has loved The Cure since its inception. I, a millennial 1984, had no idea who what when where why Robert Smith and the Band was until I met my husband. T.H.I.S. CD...every single song makes my soul want to weep and feel and play over and over again. Our 3 and 9 year old even have their favorite songs. ALONE is by far my personal favorite. Outstanding that Mr. Smith writes all the music himself. Keep putting out music, please. All generations are being touched.
  • Jon
    January 9, 2025
    There is nothing bad to say about this album. It was worth the wait